
Saturday, August 28, 2010

For Sale: MIL-L-20703A Magneto Timing Light

1960's Vintage Military
Aircraft Magneto Timing Light

Excellent Condition

Missing One Bulb
General Electric NE-45 (p/n 102-006)

Heavy-Duty Steel Case

Batteries not included
Uses One 4-1/2 V (Burgess # 5360 or type BA-31)
- or -
Uses Three type BA-30 batteries in series
- or -
Uses Three Civilian "D-cell" batteries in series

Click on images to enlarge!

Comes with Complete Instruction Manual including parts list

$ 135 + shipping*

Thursday, August 26, 2010

For Sale: Used Wheel Fenders - RARE -

NOTICE - SOLD - 08-27-2010

Keep those nuisance puddle splatterings off of your wing underside and spiff up the look of your antique airplane with these unique wheel fenders. This rare pair of aluminum wheel fenders are authentic to the early T-Crafts / Champs / Cubs.

Click on images to enlarge

Construction: Each Fender is made in halves with a welded seam down the center.
Material: Aluminum (soft) with - Stainless Steel Trim pieces. Edges are finished with wire-hemming.
Condition: Used / Repairable
- Left has mounting hardware and fully in-tact
- Right missing mounting hardware and the mounting extensions are creased under and will need to be replaced. What is there can serve as a useful pattern.
- Both fenders have a few dings that need to be smoothed out
Weight: 3.2 pounds each side


These little Gems will complete your authentic restoration!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Okay now for some specific help, lets talk about the nuts and bolts of getting it done.

IF YOU HAVE FAA APPROVED DATA for the change you are making, then the change is simple. Work with your A&P/IA to do the modification or repair and make sure it follows the approved data. When finished, the A&P/IA should make the logbook entry, reference the "approved data" in block 8 of the FAA form 337, and sign block 7 of the FAA form 337 indicating the aircraft is approved for Return to Service.
  • Now, here's what's important... PAY ATTENTION.
  • The 337 is simply mailed in to the FAA Aircraft Records division in Oklahoma City

Having FAA approved data to cover your entire change is the easiest way to get _____ approved on your airplane. DER Approved Data can support 337 Return to Service without contacting the local FAA-FSDO Inspector


IF YOU NEED FAA APPROVED DATA for the change you are making, then your A&P/IA must secure "approved data" from one of the following FAA accepted sources (a through s):

Note, we have highlighted in RED the types of "approved data" that CAP can most readily assist you to secure.

a) Type Certificate Data Sheets (TCDS).
b) Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) data, provided it specifically applies to the item being repaired/altered. Such data may be used in whole or part as included within the design data associated with the STC.
c) Appliance manufacturer’s manuals or instructions, unless specifically not approved by the Administrator, are approved for major repairs.
d) Airworthiness Directives (AD).
e) FAA Form 337, which has been used to approve multiple identical aircraft (only by the original modifier).

NOTE: Aviation safety inspectors (ASI) no longer approve data for use on multiple aircraft.

f) U.S. Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Form 337, dated before October 1, 1955.
g) FAA-approved portions of Structural Repair Manuals (SRMs).
h) Designated Engineering Representative (DER)-approved data, only when approval is authorized under his/her specific delegation.

i) Organization Designation Authorization (ODA)-approved data, when the major alteration is performed specific to the authorization granted.
j) Data in the form of an Appliance Type Approval issued by the Minister of Transport Canada for those parts or appliances for which there is no current Technical Standard Order (TSO) available. The installation manual provided with the appliance includes the Transport Canada certificate as well as the date of issuance and an environmental qualification statement.
k) Foreign bulletins, for use on U.S.-certificated foreign aircraft, when approved by the foreign authority.
l) Data describing an article or appliance used in an alteration which is FAA-approved under a TSO. As such, the conditions and tests required for TSO approval of an article are minimum performance standards. The article may be installed only if further evaluation by the operator (applicant) documents an acceptable installation which may be approved by the Administrator.
m) Data describing a part or appliance used in an alteration which is FAA-approved under a Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA). An STC may be required to obtain a PMA as a means of assessing Airworthiness and/or performance of the part.

NOTE: Installation eligibility for subsequent installation or reinstallation of such part or appliance in a type certificated (TC) aircraft, other than the aircraft for which Airworthiness was originally demonstrated, is acceptable, provided the part or appliance meets its performance requirements and is environmentally and operationally compatible for installation. The operator/applicant must provide evidence of previously approved installation by TC, STC, or field approval on FAA Form 337 that will serve as a basis for follow-on field approval.

n) Any FAA-approved Service Bulletins (SB) and letters or similar documents, including DER approvals.
o) Foreign bulletins as applied to use on a U.S.-certificated product made by a foreign manufacturer located within a country with whom a Bilateral Agreement (BA) is in place and by letter of specific authorization issued by the foreign civil air authority. The Bilateral Web site is located at:
p) Other data approved by the Administrator.
q) AC 43.13-1, current edition, for FAA-approved major repairs on non-pressurized areas of aircraft only when the user determines that it is:

· Appropriate to the product being repaired;

· Directly applicable to the repair being made; and

· Not contrary to the airframe, engine, propeller, product, or appliance manufacturer’s data.

r) AC 43.13-2, current edition, for FAA-approved major alterations on non-pressurized areas of aircraft 12,500 lbs gross weight or less only when the user determines that it is:

· Appropriate to the product being repaired;

· Directly applicable to the alteration being made; and

· Not contrary to the airframe, engine, propeller, product, or appliance manufacturer’s data.

s) Service and repair data provided by small airplane manufacturers, although, in most cases, not specifically approved, has provided for continued Airworthiness of their product. Service experience in using this data when performing major repairs to non-pressurized airplanes that are 12,500 pounds or less maximum certificated takeoff weight, and were originally TC’d before January 1, 1980, has proven to be very reliable if followed and not deviated from. Follow-on TC’d of the same model airplane, or a derivative thereof (may be assigned a later TC date), is considered to meet this criteria. When the data is used in this manner, the manufacturer’s data (with page, paragraph, etc.) must be referred to in block 8 of FAA Form 337.

IF YOU CANNOT FIND FAA APPROVED DATA for the change you are making, it starts getting more complicated. There are a few ways to secure it. The FAA always says... before you make any change to an airplane contact your FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector at the local Flight Standards District Office (FSDO-PMI). If you don't know who yours is, that's because they are usually assigned to work with individual A&P/IA's or Maintenance Shops. So check with your A&P/IA. Here's what's so special about the FSDO PMI.
  • These guys have the authority to approve certain types of design changes. When this is done, it is called a "FIELD APPROVAL". This is not always an option.
  • These guys (the PMI's) are trained and required to follow the"Flight Standards Information Management System (FSIMS)" FAA Order 8100-9 when deciding how to handle certification projects. If you go there, you will eventually come across a large table that is intended to sort out how the FAA will handle specific types of design changes for aircraft. The Table is called the "Field Approval Job Aid". It provides a cook-book approach for the FSDO inspector to make a determination that the design change is one of the following types - "STC", "EVL", or "DER".
  • Items with the letters STC require approval via Supplemental Type Certificate (STC).
  • Items with the letters EVL may be eligible for approval by means other than an STC, depending on the scope and complexity of the alteration. These items will not automatically qualify for a field approval; they require evaluation and review of guidance to determine if the field approval process may be used.
  • Items with the letters ENG may be eligible for approval by means other than an STC, but require either DER or ODA approved engineering data or concurrence from the ACO for field approval.

How do I get _________ approved on my airplane? Pt. 1

Fill-in the blank. This is the $64,000 (+) question. The answer depends on whether this ______ is considered by the FAA as a "Major Repair", "Major Alteration", "Significant Change", "Critical part",.. (I know I have lost about half of the audience right here). It also depends on whether you have "approved data", or if it is being proposed as an "STC", "field approval", "337 with DER support",.. (I bet I lost a bunch more readers right here). The rest goes on to say blah.. blaahh... blahhh!

The FAA answers for all of this are so complex that many of the FAA employees themselves don't even understand it. It's all covered right here in one convenient document, FAA Order 8900.1 called FSIMS. I've spent a career learning the definitions to all of this and frankly it is mind boggling. To make it worse... tell the FAA you have a "Vintage" airplane and many of their own engineers and inspectors don't even know how to deal with it. And they are the ones who have created this label for old airplanes by definition.

So what is a fellow to do when he wants to improve his antique airplane, upgrade to modern equipment, install newer parts, add horsepower.. or whatever? That's where C.A.P. comes in. We can help sort this all out.
  1. First, we'll educate ourselves on your specific issue. We will do our homework to make sure we understand all of the potential pitfalls and FAA certification issues at hand.
  2. Second, we will give you FEEDBACK and discuss the certification costs and obstacles. This is to help you make the best decision for your airplane and for your pocketbook.
  3. Then we will educate YOU and your A&P/IA so that you can be ahead of the FAA in understanding their own regulations, policies, procedures, and red-tape.
  4. Next, we'll help you make a plan of attack to address the certification issues in a way that makes sense to everyone. We will work with your FAA-trained A&P/I.A. and make sure we are all on the same page.
  5. Once we have done all of our homework, we will talk with the appropriate FAA office (FSDO inspector or ACO engineer) and make sure we understand exactly what they will need.
  6. Next we will help you develop a submittal like the FAA needs to have. We will coordinate any necessary FAA compliance inspections, conformity inspections, substantiation tests, or analyses. We will help you with drawings, reports, and any other required documentation.
  7. We will keep in touch with you and your A&P-IA until all the paperwork is ready and everything is submitted to the FAA.
  8. We won't stop there. We will follow through with the FAA until the job is done.
With CAP, you get the TOTAL PACKAGE. We specialize in project management.

Why do I need permission to install an STC?

Here's what the FAA Regulations Say...

14 CFR § 21.120 Responsibility of supplemental type certificate holders to provide written permission for alterations.
A supplemental type certificate holder who allows a person to use the supplemental type certificate to alter an aircraft, aircraft engine, or propeller must provide that person with written permission acceptable to the FAA.
[Doc. No. FAA–2003–14825, 71 FR 52258, Sept. 1, 2006]

14 CFR §
91.403 General.
(a) The owner or operator of an aircraft is primarily responsible for maintaining that aircraft in an airworthy condition, including compliance with part 39 of this chapter.

(b) No person may perform maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations on an aircraft other than as prescribed in this subpart and other applicable regulations, including part 43 of this chapter.

(c) No person may operate an aircraft for which a manufacturer's maintenance manual or instructions for continued airworthiness has been issued that contains an airworthiness limitations section unless the mandatory replacement times, inspection intervals, and related procedures specified in that section or alternative inspection intervals and related procedures set forth in an operations specification approved by the Administrator under part 121 or 135 of this chapter or in accordance with an inspection program approved under §91.409(e) have been complied with.

A person must not alter an aircraft based on a supplemental type certificate unless the owner or operator of the aircraft is the holder of the supplemental type certificate, or has written permission from the holder.
[Doc. No. 18334, 54 FR 34311, Aug. 18, 1989, as amended by Amdt. 91–267, 66 FR 21066, Apr. 27, 2001; Amdt. 91–293, 71 FR 56005, Sept. 26, 2006]

Thursday, August 5, 2010

FOR SALE: 1939 Taylor-Young model BC-65

NC22207 - s/n 1145

- click on images to enlarge -

All Paperwork up-to-date -
250 Hours since Restoration in 1999

Long list of receipts for new parts replaced during restoration

Poly-Fiber Fabric 9.5 on a scale of 10

Shock Cords replaced 03-2007

Must See and Fly to Appreciate

No Radio - Basic Instruments

  • Compass, Airspeed, Altimeter, Tachometer,
  • Oil Temp, Oil Press, Slip Indicator

All AD's Up to Date

  • Front Struts Sealed - no recurring inspection
  • Rear Struts - Next inspection due 8-21-2012
  • Strut Attach Fittings in full compliance - non-recurring

Auto-Fuel STC - 3.75 gph / 100% fpm (fun per minute)

Continental A75-8 Engine 250 SMOH - 337 Approved

McCauley 1B90CM7443 Propeller 250 since new

  • Exhaust Replaced 2007 (Wag-Aero new)
  • Slick Magnetos with Shielded Harness

Click here for 2007 trip report 1600 miles TX to IA & return

Located in Central Texas Near Temple / Waco

$ 25,000.00


(254) 715-4773


Owner: Leon C Carr

(254) 853-9244