
Thursday, June 6, 2013

C.A.P. 10 Year Anniversary / LLC Formed

To all our faithful customers and future patrons, we wish to THANK YOU for your business and we are pleased to announce our 10th year anniversary.  Time sure flies by when you are busy.  Starting in 2003 as an independent consultant FAA designee, Terry Bowden (dba Certified Aeronautical Products) has supported 300 DER approvals, managed 143 major alteration projects, managed 15 STC/PMA programs, including 3 Type Certification programs.  Airplane types served are Aeronca, Adam, Aviat, Beechcraft, Bellanca, Boeing, Call Air, Cessna, Cirrus, Commonwealth, Culver, Diamond, Ercoupe, Grumman, Luscombe, Maule, Monocoupe, Mooney, Myers, Navion, Piper, Pitts, Socata, Stinson, Stearman, Taylorcraft, Travel Air, and Waco... as well as Continental, Curtiss, Franklin, Jacobs, Lycoming, Pratt-Whitney, SMA, Warner, and Wright engines.  Our business has grown to include parts manufacturing, inspections, and maintenance.

 All of this could not have been possible without the assistance of other engineers, inspectors, fabricators, craftsmen, and administrative supporters.  We really appreciate the hard work of the following people who make things run at CAP, working in house or who have directly contracted to CAP on a frequent or at least sporadic basis.... Leon Carr, Carolyn Carr, Leann Bowden, Shane Merchant, Don Gillespie, Matt Dillon, Randal Schaeper, Randall Green, Pat Moe, Craig Gunder to name a few. 

Also, there are many to whom a debt of gratitude is owed for sending work our way, or helping us through the tough spots... Gary Anctil, Steve Wilson, Robert Wagner, Larry Hofacker, Jimmy Tubbs, Greg Barnes, Jack Sledge, Bill Wheat, Richard Hecker, Mark Julicher, Brad Moffet, Jack Johnson, Les Staples, Karl Fourine.  I am sure there are many others who have also helped us along the way that I have forgotten to include.  My apologies to those.  You are certainly appreciated, too.

And we must thank our customers.  Many individuals and small companies have been back for a second or third time and this makes us proud.  We have met many friends through the past 10 years and look forward to growing the number.  We plan to acknowledge each of them individually, however our clientele list has grown so big that we will need a special posting to name them all and recognize their support.

And OH, we have been so busy, we forgot an important announcement.  In October last year, CAP eclipsed a major milestone by becoming a corporate entity.  We are pleased to now be identified as Certified Aeronautical Products, LLC.  This has been another step in solidifying our company and putting us on solid ground for a positive future.  We look forward to continued support of General Aviation for years to come.

And finally, above all, we thank our GOD for providing CAP with the opportunities and talent to make fruits of our labor, to help others, to feed our families, and to do this job that we love.  We pray that all we do is in His name.  We pray that as others see our work they will see that we are Spirit led and faith driven.

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