I received a note from Tom Peters, who owns this sweet little L-2B.
Here are some other pictures that I have at my office. I may have some others on my home computer. I will check and send them. I have no problem with you using them so long as you don't try to pass them off as your own (just kidding). The B-17 in in the background is the EAA Aluminum Overcast. The gentleman in the period costume is not known by me. The picture with the other aircraft was taken at an EAA fly in at Sulphur Springs.

As to the STC, it is the best thing to happen to my L-2. I went from A- 65, 65 horsepower to the C-85-12, 85 horsepower. I used the same prop as the A-65 (Flottorp 7248 wooden). I get about 7-10 mph more cruise but the real change is in climb performance. The plane jumps off the ground now and climbs better with two people on board than it did solo before. I have not flown enough to evaluate the fuel burn but based on the short flights I have taken, it is about the same. I can't tell you how comforting it is to not have to stand in front of the plane and flip the prop to start. I go through the same preflight routine as the A-65. Throttle closed, mags off. Turn the prop through 8 blades. Climb in, mags on, push the button and it starts on one or two blades. I did not install a generator (yet) but may in the future. The change over was easy. Used the same engine mount, exhaust and cowling. added 15 pounds to the empty weight but that is more than compensated for with the extra horsepower. The only modification I had to do was cut a hole in the lower cowl because the carburetor intake was a little different. At some point in the future, I plan to upgrade the C-85 with the O200 conversion STC to get to 100 horsepower.
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